Trusted & Reliable
Having a valid warranty is an important part of the entire process, but even more important is the company servicing that warranty. It’s after the sale our customers truly realize how valuable it is to have chosen a stable company that doesn’t change their phone number and answers the phone when it rings. We will do everything we can to prevent any problem on your home, but if a problem does arise we will be here to take care of it just like we have been since 1984. Unlike some companies who outsource their warranties and you don’t know who may show up at your door, Tuttle Contracting has always and will continue to directly service every warranty claim.
Understanding Roofing Warranties
Every roof will have two warranties; one is from the contractor and covers defects in workmanship and the other is from the manufacture and covers defective product. One does not replace the other and it is important to make sure you have two valid warranties.
Tuttle Contracting Labor Warranties
To ensure every customer is covered by their warranty, we have included the warranty on the back page of the agreement you signed authorizing us to work for you. This way you don’t have to worry about registering your roof or losing your warranty paperwork. Once your roof is complete and paid-in-full it is automatically entered into our warranty system, ensuring you’re covered if you ever have a problem – NO REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY. Should you ever have to use your warranty, it is as simple as a phone call and we will have someone out to take care of it as soon as possible.
Manufacturer Warranties
While manufacturers do not require customers to register their roofs either, we strongly recommend every customer register their roof with the manufacturer. The reason for this is if you don’t register your roof and you lose your final invoice and/or contract showing the date and type of shingle that was installed, then your claim with the manufacturer will likely be denied.
Registering your roof is very simple, but this page is designed to make it even easier. All that is required is for you to fill out the appropriate form, usually one page, and mail it to the manufacturer. Often your Tuttle Representative will provide you with the necessary form, but more and more of the companies are directing us and the customer to the websites and not providing paper forms. The links below for the four major shingle suppliers will redirect you directly to the warranty page for that manufacturer. Simply click on the appropriate link and follow the instructions.
Owens Corning
- Owens Corning no longer has a warranty registration form. You MUST printout the warranty and keep your final invoice, contract, and the warranty in a safe place.
- Regardless of the product, all warranties are contained in one standard warranty form for Owens Corning. Click on any of the PDF documents on the right (they’re all the same).
- Print out and fill in the form
- Keep it in a safe place
- Tamko no longer has a warranty registration form. You MUST printout the warranty and keep your final invoice, contract, and the warranty in a safe place.
- Under “Residential Warranties” select the “Residential Roofing Limited Warranty”
- Print out and fill in the form
- If you had a dimensional or architectural product installed, then under “Residential Warranties” select the “Heritage Limited Warranty Upgrade”
- Print out and keep this form
- Keep all documents and forms in a safe place